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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Top 5 telltale signs a girl is attracted to you

Posted by Ritchie Jake | Tuesday, December 21, 2010 | Category: |

Top 5 telltale signs a girl is attracted to you

Written By : Ritchie Jake

Ritchie Jake Recommends Fireworks With Women
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The top telltale sign a girl is attracted to you will be to observe her body language.
By observing her body language, you can tell signs a girl is attracted to you. 

Lets take a look at some of the common signs a girl is attracted to you

Her eyes are always on you.

If a girl is constantly making eye contact with you and often looking at you during conversation, she is most probably interested in you. On a lighter note, it could also be that your face is stained with something which draws her attention to you.

She Finds you funny always

If you find that the girl is always laughing at your bad jokes and Is easily humoured by you, there is a pretty high chance she is attracted to you. By laughing at your jokes, she is showing a sign of support and interest towards you especially when you are telling jokes which are so bad that nobody is laughing expect her.

She Remembers every detail about you

If she is able to remember every detail of you ( such as whats your favourite colour, favourite food, favourite drinks etc ), then she is definitely interested in you. By remembering every likes and dislikes of your personal life, she is showing that she care about you and you hold an important position in her heart.

The lips motion

Obvious lips motion such as biting lips or licking them is a clear sign that she finds you attractive. As a matter of fact, when you see a girl doing all the lips motion, she is actually seducing you with the most sexiest organ used during sexual intimacy - the lips!

The color tone of her face

Our heart will naturally beat faster when we are attracted to somebody. The increase in heartbeat will often result in flushed face and sweaty palms. So, next time if you see that a girl face is always flushed when she goes out with you, she is most likely interested in you.

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Article Written By Ritchie Jake 

If you want a girl to be interested in you, Check out "Fireworks With Women" E-book

"Fireworks With Women" E-book is a dating guide written by a natural with women - Specially written and designed for men who wish to attract women effortlessly and keep the woman by their side.

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